
Great Blue & Rivka Ruth at OTP!!!

doors 8p / show 9p / 21+ / $25 advance / $30 day-of-show

So it’s January 2022, the Covid era was beginning to settle, and we had Orebolo (you know Peter, Rick and Jeff of Goose) set to play two nights at OTP. We are on top of the world, enthusiastic and ready to tear it up with the guys, and low-and-behold – Covid starts to spike in the area. Goose is about to embark on their west coast tour, and there goes our magic carpet slipping out from below us and we crash to the ground, our shows were cancelled. Peter calls me (Séan) up and apologizes for the cancellation, I let him know it’s not his fault and it will all be okay, it was obviously a bummer, but also just par for the course considering the time.

Peter has a plan though, and he tells me about his best childhood friend from back east – Ethan – who now lives in Denver and has a few bands going, and asks if I would let Ethan’s band The Fuzzheads play to fill the dates. I oblige, cause why wouldn’t I? The Fuzzheads come to OTP and rip-roar a dynamic doubleheader. Let me tell you, they absolutely dismantled our room. A super rowdy crowd raged all weekend with The Fuzzhead’s high-energy covers and straight up rock and roll energy!! Ethan and I are now good buds, and he’s in Great Blue, so hell yeah – let’s get ready to tear it up, and get Great Blue on stage at the pub!!

Who all is Great Blue – other than it being some band that formed a decade plus ago – comprised of some high school homeys from Connecticut? It’s Ethan Michael on guitar, Seth Zucker on bass, Nick Hannah on drums, and then our guy Peter Anspach on keys and guitar. Hopefully Peter will bring his Nord (keyboard) with the legendary Gooseboat sticker he slapped on during that infamous 2019 Goose run at OTP!! One other note, Peter did promise OTP a makeup Orebolo show after that cancellation, and the man is true to his word – Orebolo took the stage for us in December 2022 and delivered a heartfelt and mesmerizing performance. Our ride with the Goose crew has been special, and our journey will deepen on February 27th.

Big time bonus for the night – Peter’s bombshell fiancé Rivka Ruth will be taking the valley by storm with a deeptrack DJ set to extend our all-night shindig together!!
